Hugs and Quiches!

To all of you out there who still visits my blog - thanks to various sources and the use of social media - I thank you for all the love and support. It's been a good 2 years hiatus. 

As some of you might be aware, this blog used to contain much more content than what it holds now. The content-disappearing act is in fact, the work of the author... but why, you'd ask. Well, that's a long story on it's own that I would very much like to leave it to a later time.

For this long overdued post, I would like to kick start the blog on Valentine's Day with a light-hearted post on quiche, simply because I baked a tiny one earlier this morning.

I had previously bought this mini non-stick springform pan and I have been so excited to use it!

I had adapted my recipe from theviewfromgreatisland (click for the recipe to a kick ass Sweet Onion and Herb Quiche), and I have to admit that I did not follow the steps or the ingredient amount that are as listed on the blog.

But then again, that's exactly what I enjoy about cooking - that you never have to stick to one fixed recipe with a fixed set of rules.... except baking. Baking is in a class of its own and it requires one to be precise.

So now onto my itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini carrot and celery and onion and shredded mixed cheese quiche (I know, that was a mouthful) that I baked just 4 hours ago.

Being the lazy person that I am, I bought myself the Aunt Fanny Fresh Quiche and Tart Dough from REWE. This rolled out pre-made dough comes with a baking paper, which would make it really easy to get the quiche out of it's baking form.
In my case however, I was trying to make a quiche for one, and hence used a 4.5" spring-form pan. It's no big deal of course, if you guys are interested in making tiny quiches - you just have to punch out the necessary size out of the dough.

This is the magical ingredient that we lazy people need.
(If you aren't able to find something similar at your local supermarket, you may want to look in the frozen section, or choose to use the puff pastry. The texture wouldn't be the same but it will still taste amazing.)

Honestly. it doesn't really matter what ingredients you choose to put in your quiche. Just make it however way you like, and put in whatever makes you happy. I personally would have sliced some ham into my quiche if not for the lack of it at home. 

This would be what I call a no-frills bake that stands to impress your unsuspecting friends. Well... everyone should have a to-go recipe for quiche in their lives.

The mountain of goodness immediately after baking.

Eating time!

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  • 1 medium sweet onion
  • 1 stick celery
  • 1/2 medium carrot
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 1 Tbsp dried herbs, I used parsley and 
  • 1/2 Tsp Paprika
  • A pinch of salt
  • Freshly grounded black pepper
  • Shredded cheese to top the quiche


  1. Set oven to 200°C.
  2. Fit the pie crust on your selected baking tray.
  3. Cut the celery, and carrot into little chunks and very thinly slice the onion.
  4. Boil the celery and carrot in water for 5 minutes or till softened.
  5. Arrange the ingredients into the unbaked pie crust however you like.
  6. Whisk the eggs and milk together while stirring in the herbs and paprika. Add salt and pepper.
  7. Scatter the shredded cheese on top of the ingredients and pour the egg mixture over all.
  8. Bake for about 45 minutes, until the quiche is puffed and golden brown.


  • Many have sworn that blind baking the crust is a must, but this recipe works fine without.
  • Sweet onions work perfectly for this quiche because they are mild and don't require long period of cooking.
  • Stronger flavors may be achieved by using half and half in replacement of milk.
  • Adding stronger cheeses may benefit the overall flavor.

Hopefully the recipe would be of use and I do hope that all of you do give it a try. It's not that daunting a task if you choose to use the pre-made crust. After all, the crust is exactly what most of us fear isn't it? Haha.

The best of luck to all those braving their first attempt... and to top this all off, a very Happy Valentines to everyone!

Ps: This image was obtained from IZZY KRAMER, she's absolutely amazing and talented. Her illustrations are super cute and to die for. Do visit her page for more of these little snippets.

with love,
